Monday, February 15, 2010

Mazzaroth: The Biblical Saga

The twelve major constellations of the Zodiac are referred to in the bible as the "Mazzaroth." The word "Zodiac" comes from the Greek zoad, which means "the way" or "the path." According to many Christian scholars, God depicted his story and his promise of salvation within the stars.

The saga begins with Virgo (a virgin) bringing forth a son. Libra (balance) follows, an indication that man does not possess the power to save himself. The price is deficient. A scorpion and an archer appear together, symbolizing the battle between Satan (Scorpio the Scorpion) and Jesus Christ (Sagittarius the Archer). The intent of Satan is to sting (and thereby kill) Christ in order to thwart God's plan of salvation. The archer has his bow drawn toward Satan and the half-man half-horse depicts the dual nature of Jesus Christ: God and man. Next, comes Capricorn, an animal which is part-goat and part-fish. The goat was often used in sacrificial ceremonies to cleanse sins on the day of atonement. Christ was, in effect, that perfect sacrifice, adopting the sins of the world. A water-bearer (Aquarius) is next to enter the arena, pouring out an endless supply of water. Within that water are the fish (Pisces) which personify Jesus Christ as one who died to save the human race. Pisces Australia (the southernmost fish) dwells in the flow. As the fish cannot survive outside the water, so this symbolism states that an individual is unable to survive outside the pouring of the Holy Spirit. Pisces is a twofold constellation, representative of both Jew and Gentile who will be bound to Satan until the return of Jesus Christ. Satan, of course, is engaged in constant battle with the Church. Early believers used the sign of Pisces to secretly identify themselves.

A ram (Aries) appears, depicting the reign of Jesus who will soon return, heralding the triumph of the Church over Satan. In the guise of a bull (Taurus), Christ will return to lead the charge and "gore" the evil before setting up his rule on earth. Gemini the Twins presents a picture of the newly-acquired dual role of the savior: the suffering servant and the righteous judge. A crab (Cancer) depicts a place of safety for those believers who will escape the Day of Judgment. In the form of a lion (Leo) will the victory of Christ be complete and the defeated Satan cast down. Thus in glorious triumph, does Leo step upon the head of Hydra the Serpent.

The Incarnate Son (Virgo - Virgin)...Isaiah 7:14
The Redeemer (Libra - Scales)...1 Corinthians 6:20
The Sufferer (Scorpio - Scorpion)...1 Corinthians 15:55-56
The Conqueror (Sagittarius - Archer)...Revelations 6:2
The Sacrifice (Capricorn - Goat)...Romans 3:25
The Living Water (Aquarius - Water-Bearer)...John 7:38
The Liberator (Pisces - Fishes)...Genesis 48:19; Mark 1:17
The Crowned Lamb (Aries - Ram)...Revelations 5:6
The Judge (Taurus - Bull)...John 5:22
The King (Gemini - Twins)...Romans 1:3
The Protector (Cancer - Crab)...Isaiah 4:5-6
The Victor (Leo - Lion)...Revelations 5:5


Anonymous said...

The Truth will be revealed one day. This makes sense!

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