Thursday, October 22, 2009

MM Book 1 Chapter 5-24

Matthew 20:25, Mark 10:42, and Luke 22:25 are clear definitions of, and a clear recognition that, there is an imposed systemic in operation here, ** in direct violation of Christ's instructions ** - we know that a hierarchy is the "image of the beast," and we know that Elijah was sent against the/this BAAL systemic - these testimonies clearly show that there is a very serious *error* within the COG/Nation which has caused and continues to cause extremely grievous repercussions !! - ["... For this *purpose* the Son of God was manifested, that he might *destroy* the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8], THIS IS THE PURPOSE, THE COMMISSION OF THE CHURCH/CHRIST-IANS, TO DESTROY THE *WORKS* OF THE DEVIL, NOT TO MIMIC AND EMPLOY HIS SYSTEMIC !!

The "determinant force" (the impulse, conviction, drive, conduct, association, fellowship, etc.) in your life is your religion; most of us are multi-religious torn between the antagonistic and complimentary "forces" acting within and without our "being and doing" - our spiritual conflict(s), ie., most profess spiritual values, yet practise Mammon; the consideration(s) of vested politics, the secular religion, and its war systemic, in maintaining our social "standing" (our privileged standard of living), etc. -- Mammon(-ism) is diametrically opposed to God(-ing) in every consideration; the coercive apparatus of the state is brought against the most principled members of society not against the conformed.

Mammon or Messiah Book 1 (complete) or MM 05 (individual chapter)


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