Sunday, October 18, 2009

MM Book 1 Chapter 1-3

We have been inured by a concept, a category of thought ... in our pockets is a weapon of war, a weapon of mass destruction, which cumulatively has killed more people, destroyed more lives, has wrought more environmental destruction than any other weapon ever devised by man - it is an ancient weapon, and it claims all: this weapon demands sacrifice [blood and sweat], it demands complete surrender and obedience, it demands "worship" - all life is equated with this weapon, its use *is* the "means" of life [all is acquired by violent use of this weapon]; all blessings and punishments are equated, peace and happiness are equated, status and "worth" for life are equated, mind [very thought] is equated [intellectual "property"], even God is equated with this weapon [the ultimate lie]; we are governed by this weapon, it is held over our heads and to our throats, lest we should think or speak against it - this weapon of war is regarded as a weapon of peace, as the very cure for the disease that "it" actually is - we [all of us], by *use* of this weapon *become* the enemy, our enemy, and by its use we are committing collective suicide; this weapon is an instrumentation of evil, and we personify evil by its use - this weapon is known by all, sought by all, and excused by all; all is done in its name and service: THIS WEAPON [OF EVIL] IS MONEY*, AND OUR USE OF IT !! - this weapon *is* absolute [idol] power and author-ity and conveys such to those who wield and control it !! *[as corporate debt-instrument]

Mammon or Messiah Book 1 (complete) or MM 01 (individual chapter)


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