Monday, October 19, 2009

MM Book 1 Chapter 5-15

The "Nation" is considered by most as an "open hand of welcome" - but the "(Nation-)State" is actually a "closed fist" (ie., "America" and the "United States" are in reality two very different perceptions / actualities / entities, though the religion of "America, the Chosen" is utilized to give/take divine sanction to/by the US); the "divinization" of the National Epic/Narrative, the "divine sanction" -- War is being redefined in the public mind by "shallow" use (self-serving overt aggression) by "shallow" politicians, ie., the Iraq-Afghanistan War - evil begets evil; all sides fighting for their "God given rights" - the only innocents here are the non-combatants on both sides who are in-the-main the ones being killed; the SAGE seek conflict and unrest as a means of controlled exploitation; take a look around, their Agenda is everywhere -- War is Mammon's "consolidation mechanism"; naked overt aggression, not clothed in any accepted reason; non-justified (complicit) - WAR TO CREATE WAR !! -- the progression of war, engendered conflicts as means (the interrelated events, etc.) - the Grimm (the "forces of wealth" need to extricate for their own systemic maintenance/survival (predicated upon debt/profit; exploitation is essential)); wealth protection vs. the vulgaris (the common people) !!

The Nations are in effect a "business environment" conditioned by the "social temperament" -- the "elect" corporations are "economic entities" in-and-of themselves with the prerogatives once considered sanctioned by "States" only, ie., private armies and influence -- corporate interest is now national interest; the SAGE are the corporate "controlling interest(s)", the "progenitor wealth" -- war is a weapon of weakness and deep spiritual illness -- business as "mechanism of/for life", its "growth and profit" dynamic is a cancer on the social body -- the "secular church" is married to the State, the "Bride of Christ" has married the Devil instead; the concept of the separation of "Church and State" is for common consumption to ensure the State "as religion", the false, selfish and prejudiced idol-god of nationalism and patriotism -- "profit" based on "debt-instruments" is systemic bondage to Mammon; business "growth" demanded to ensure "profit" of investment; Mammon's growth is a cancer on Humanity and will consume us !!

Mammon or Messiah Book 1 (complete) or MM 05 (individual chapter)


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