Sunday, September 27, 2009

MM Book 1 Chapter 5-4

"Messiah" is a category of thought just as "Mammon" is; it is a "social concept", a "way of life", a "determinant", a "social structure", a "society of the gift" -- we are forced into systemic participation due to "claim" and "coercion" - Human-kind is the "Family of God", that is the "meaning" of life (being and doing, mind and heart, spiritual and physical); Mammon is the opposite/opposed to the family(-relationship); God(-ing) is family relationship - "private agenda" is often in conflict with "public need" - Mammon's incorporation vs. Messiah's incarnation (corporate vs. incarnate) - Messiah is the "well-being of the other", Mammon is the "well-being of self" -- the SAGE are a separate "entity", a "private-Society" above the common entities of "nation-states", the enclosures of the common, the encapsulation for business purposes (claim and commodification); the "national policies" of the various nation-states are governed/steered by the SAGE, who in effect are "over, upon and within" the various governmental bodies -- re-ligion is the binding of "faith" with "politics" (the "God sanction").

Mammon or Messiah Book 1 (complete) or MM 05 (individual chapter)


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